Length: 35 centimeters
Head Circumference: 25 centimeters
Age: 41 days
Yesterday the doctor showed me the x-ray of Samuel's lungs. They were unbelievably clear - just out of the blue. The doctor said that he even had to go back and check to make sure that he had the right baby. Because the x-ray looked so good, they weened another one of his vent settings.
At that time, Samuel was beginning to have a lot of desats again (the oxygen level in his body dropping) but it wasn't all that often. When they weened the vent setting, his desats began to get worse. Today his oxygen levels are all over the place - just like they were before the steroids. However, the doctors aren't convinced that this is from the vent change since he was already beginning to do it before they made the change. They think that Samuel is suffering from reflux from his feeds and that some of the milk came back up and went into his lungs. This is a problem because it can cause pneumonia. We are already praying against that.
To correct this, they have put in a new feeding tube that bypasses the stomach. They will be able to increase his feeds this way and not have to worry about reflux as much.
I'm happy that Samuel is coming down on the vent settings. I'm disappointed that we are back to watching the monitor continuously. It seems like the doctors are trying to get him down on the settings so that they can switch him to a more conventional ventilator. The one he is on right now gives him short little breaths, like a dog panting. This protects the lungs but doesn't train them to work like they should. The conventional ventilator is the next step before they get him off for good.
I really want Samuel to be stable again. I really want to just focus on fattening him up...not his vital signs. However, he has made some big steps forward. We have been praying for a better x-ray and we got it! We have been praying for feeds to increase and God answered that prayer too. There have been a great number of days in the last month that my prayers were more pleads than praises. I've had much to praise Him for in the last week!
At that time, Samuel was beginning to have a lot of desats again (the oxygen level in his body dropping) but it wasn't all that often. When they weened the vent setting, his desats began to get worse. Today his oxygen levels are all over the place - just like they were before the steroids. However, the doctors aren't convinced that this is from the vent change since he was already beginning to do it before they made the change. They think that Samuel is suffering from reflux from his feeds and that some of the milk came back up and went into his lungs. This is a problem because it can cause pneumonia. We are already praying against that.
To correct this, they have put in a new feeding tube that bypasses the stomach. They will be able to increase his feeds this way and not have to worry about reflux as much.
I'm happy that Samuel is coming down on the vent settings. I'm disappointed that we are back to watching the monitor continuously. It seems like the doctors are trying to get him down on the settings so that they can switch him to a more conventional ventilator. The one he is on right now gives him short little breaths, like a dog panting. This protects the lungs but doesn't train them to work like they should. The conventional ventilator is the next step before they get him off for good.
I really want Samuel to be stable again. I really want to just focus on fattening him up...not his vital signs. However, he has made some big steps forward. We have been praying for a better x-ray and we got it! We have been praying for feeds to increase and God answered that prayer too. There have been a great number of days in the last month that my prayers were more pleads than praises. I've had much to praise Him for in the last week!
Sarah, continue to Praise and Pray...in awe of God miracles..praying rest each day for you and that Samuel is stronger by leaps and bounds and the continuious complete healing as Samuel body grows to fit those precious little eyes...love ya girl...
ReplyDeleteWe ate so happy to hear your little man has made some improvements. Thanks for posting I was beginning to worry. I miss you and hope Samuel continues on the road to complete health.
ReplyDeleteDang post from my phone. That should be are.
ReplyDeleteSome really good news...so glad to hear it!!! Slowly, but surely he is growing and making steps forward. Don't loose heart hon...he's a beautiful strong little man and God has His hand on him. I know I keep saying that, but I just feel it so strong. I'm praying for his little stomach and all those tiny parts to heal, grow ans strengthen, and for your peace too. I can only imagine how hard this is on you and I'm praying for your health too...Love you!!! God has truly been good and we give Him all the praise!!
ReplyDeleteSarah thanks for the detailed update; still sounds like God is answering & day by day you will be seeing Samuel getting bigger! His pictures are so sweet to see, but to see him in person will forever stick in my mind how tiny, still brings BIG miracles! Praying for Samuel's growth & total awesomeness & that we have a great turnout for the fundraiser! God bless you with perfect peace & rest! Knowing God is still in control! We Love you ! Kim & Mack
ReplyDeleteContinuing to hold Samuel up in prayer!
ReplyDeleteYEA! Over 2 pounds! So glad to hear about the lungs. Love the pictures....like MaryJo we were beginning to worry. We have all grown quite attached to little Samuel. My family continues in our prayers.
ReplyDeletePraise God for clear x-rays of Samuel`s lungs! Praying that they stay that way as he continues to grow and get off the ventilator.
ReplyDeletePraise Jesus for clear x-rays and a growing baby! As my due date gets closer and closer (less than 12 weeks now), I get more and more anxious about knowing that everything is going to be just fine with our little Hallie, but God always reminds me that knowing the end results would require no faith. Taking it day by day and trusting in HIM completely requires an incredible amount of faith. I can see the kind of faith that I desire to have through you! As much of an encouragement as all your family and friends are being to you right now, you are just as much an encouragement to me! Stephen and I continue to pray for you, Michael and precious little (but growing!) Samuel!
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures!
ReplyDeleteSarah, this is wonderful news. Soon he will be crawling all over the place. He has already shown that he is a fighter. God's plan for him is already HUGE!!! Get ready girl because once he gets going nothing is going to stop him.