Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Plan

Day: 47
Weight: 2 pounds 8 ounces

As I usually do, I called into the hospital this morning to get an update on how Samuel's x-ray looked (x-rays are taken around 4 am) and to find out about any vent changes. The nurse told me that they had to go back up on one of the ventilator settings and that his x-ray looked more hazy than it has been this week. The doctors felt that it might be because Samuel's ventilator tube had come up some. The nurse pushed the tube back down so hopefully the x-ray tomorrow will look better.

The doctors increased his feeds again today. Samuel is almost on full feeds now. They are also adding extra calories to the milk to help him gain weight. Other than the feeds, the doctors really havent been making a lot of changes. The main focus is getting Samuel to grow and getting him off the ventilator. Dr. Arrington's plan is to begin steroids again tomorrow afternoon around 6. They will try extubating him on Friday. We REALLY want this to work!!! If Samuel doesn't do well on his own, they may try putting him on a conventional ventilator instead of the high frequency one he has been on.

It's been a stable day. Once again, I'm so happy not to have to hear the monitor alarm constantly. Samuel needed only 25% oxygen for most of the day. (the air we breathe is 21%) I think I'll be able to hold him again's been almost two weeks.


  1. Hoping they are able to make the change to the other vent and that you are able to hold him. He's almost gained a whole pound!!!

  2. No ocean can hold it back.
    No river can overtake it.
    No whirlwind can go faster.
    No army can defeat it.
    No law can stop it.
    No distance can slow it.
    No disease can cripple it.
    No force on earth is more powerful or effective than the power of prayer. - Linn Carlson, DaySpring writer

    The prayer of the righteous is powerful and effective.
    James 5:16 NRSV

    I just had to share with is so true...and God is so Faithful to each of the prayers spoken...we are continuing to pray and fast for ya

  3. Thanks so much for the picture...we love to see Samuel, it the next best thing to being with you..

  4. Hi Sarah, just to let you know that there are lots of children praying for 'baby Pope' in Zimbabwe xx

    Margie Rees

  5. sarah, i check on you and baby samuel every day. those check-ups are smothered in prayer. thank you for sharing your little man with all of us. i know as a new momma i was so protective of my boy and didn't want to share him with anyone evey though it felt selfish and inconsiderate(that momma bear thing is true). little samuel is so precious and important to me, mainly because you have let me come beside you in prayer, celebrate poopie diapers, worry about vent settings (and i don't really have a clue what it all means), be amazed at your strength, and have empathy for you and your family. anything you and that little guy need you let me know and i will do all i can for you.
