Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 in Numbers

6 pounds gained
6 inches taller
2 haircuts
3 minor colds
0 days hospitalized!!!
1 month with Nana
6 months walking
180 hours of therapy
7 months of RSV isolation
8 Synagis shots
8 months oxygen and pulse-ox monitor free
1200 bottles given (approx)
36 doctors appointments
16 teeth
100+ spontaneous words (too many to count!)
8 months of sleeping through the night
Countless books read

It's been quite a productive year when you look at it like that! Go Samuel go!


  1. Hooray for Samuel! What a great year!

  2. That is so completely awesome!!!! God has it all well in hand! Another New Year coming with all sorts of new things he will be doing and learning. Sending love and blessings to you all. Thank you for bringing me smiles all year long!

  3. Such a fun post! Go Samuel, go!!

  4. LOVE the zero days hospitalized!!!! Such an improvement over last year!
